A dual-comb spectroscopy (DCS) based on mid-IR quantum cascade laser combs is a powerful tool for sensitive chemical detection. We have developed an eye-safe DCS spectrometer to perform remote sensing of chemicals in urban environments. The technique utilizes multi-heterodyne down-conversion of QCL optical comb modes from the optical domain to the radio frequency (RF) domain to perform mid-infrared (mid-IR) spectroscopic detection.
- Applications
- Environmental Sensing
- Medical Diagnostics
- Combustion Diagnostics
- Sensing Configurations
- Remote Sensing
- Point/Extractive Sensors
- Sensor Networks
- Technologies
- Dual-comb spectroscopy
- Molecular Dispersion Spectroscopy
- Faraday Rotation Spectroscopy (FRS)
- Absorption-Based Spectrometers
- Mid-IR Laser Sources