About the PULSe Lab
The PULSe (Princeton University Laser Sensing) group conducts research which is primarily focused on the development of mid-infrared laser spectroscopic instrumentation for applications in trace gas detection and chemical sensing. The target applications range from atmospheric chemistry, environmental monitoring and bio-medical research, to industrial emissions and process control.

Good and bad air quality day in Beijing, China. Sensor deployment campaign during 2008 Summer Olympics
Our current research activities include:
- Ultra-sensitive mid-IR laser spectroscopic systems for remote or in-situ, non-invasive, rapid chemical analysis
- Novel widely tunable laser sources for high resolution molecular spectroscopic applications
- Distributed laser spectroscopic trace-gas sensor networks
Gerard Wysocki
Associate Professor
Princeton University, ECE Dept.
B324 Engineering Quad
Princeton, NJ 08544
Phone: 609-258-8187
Fax: 609-258-2158
E-mail: gwysocki(at)princeton(dot)edu