@article{180771, keywords = {Diode lasers, High numerical aperture optics, Optical components, Optical feedback, Parametric oscillators, Physical vapor deposition}, author = {Lukasz A. Sterczewski and Jonas Westberg and Mahmood Bagheri and Clifford Frez and Igor Vurgaftman and Chadwick L. Canedy and William W. Bewley and Charles D. Merritt and Chul Soo Kim and Mijin Kim and Jerry R. Meyer and Gerard Wysocki}, title = {Mid-infrared dual-comb spectroscopy with interband cascade lasers}, abstract = { Two semiconductor optical frequency combs, consuming less than 1~W of electrical power, are used to demonstrate high-sensitivity mid-infrared dual-comb spectroscopy in the important 3{\textendash}4~μm spectral region. The devices are 4~mm long by 4~μm wide, and each emits 8~mW of average optical power. The spectroscopic sensing performance is demonstrated by measurements of methane and hydrogen chloride with optical multi-pass cell sensitivity enhancement. The system provides a spectral coverage of 33 cm-1 (1~THz), 0.32 cm-1 (9.7~GHz) frequency sampling interval, and peak signal-to-noise ratio of \~{}100 at 100~μs integration time. The monolithic design, low drive power, and direct generation of mid-infrared radiation are highly attractive for portable broadband spectroscopic instrumentation in future terrestrial and space applications. }, year = {2019}, journal = {Optics Letters}, volume = {44}, number = {8}, pages = {2113-2116}, month = {04/2019}, publisher = {OSA}, url = {http://ol.osa.org/abstract.cfm?URI=ol-44-8-2113}, language = {eng}, }