@article{180616, author = {Karol Krzempek and Arkadiusz Hudzikowski and Aleksander G{\l}uszek and Grzegorz Dudzik and Krzysztof Abramski and Gerard Wysocki and Micha{\l} Nikodem}, title = {Multi-pass cell-assisted photoacoustic/photothermal spectroscopy of gases using quantum cascade laser excitation and heterodyne interferometric signal detection}, abstract = { A heterodyne interferometer-based signal retrieval in photoacoustic/photothermal gas spectrometer using mid-infrared quantum cascade laser excitation is demonstrated. This new method for all-optical photoacoustic/photothermal signal detection allows for sensitivity enhancement using standard multi-pass cells, commonly used in absorption-based spectrometers. Two types of multi-pass cell are examined: a Herriott type with up to 33 passes and a White type with up to 46 passes. Good agreement between experimental results and numerical analysis is obtained. }, year = {2018}, journal = {Applied Physics B}, volume = {124}, number = {5}, pages = {74}, month = {04/2018}, isbn = {1432-0649}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s00340-018-6941-x}, language = {eng}, }